Monday, June 6, 2011

My Advice On Becoming Deaf

If there is anyone reading my blog and are becoming deaf late in life, my advice is this. Do yourself a favor and find support groups around your area. If possible, seek a support group before becoming completely deaf. This will help tremendously as you enter and accept your new life. Ask a loved one to go with you to the meetings these support groups have. One such support group you may find if living in the USA is called: Division of Services For The Deaf and Hard of Hearing which is a State Agency. Perhaps there may be such a service in your area.

As I've stated earlier in my journal, becoming deaf is no easy feat by any means. I did not lose my hearing gradually. I lost my hearing suddenly over night with a two percent chance of living. There are many, many people who lose their hearing due to Meningitis.

Another piece of advice I have to share is, "Don't panic". There is life after deafness. It just takes a bit more creativity. Also, for communication, you should learn the art of signing in your native language. American Sign Language is not universal which means there is a sign language system for every language. If you aren't able to take sign language classes, then pick up a book that teaches sign language. You'd be doing yourself a hughe favor by breaking the communication gap with your newly learned sign language.

Sign language takes time to learn. Think of a baby learning to say their first words. Sign language is an on-going learning experience. Just as one's vocabulary may or may not be a big one, so to will your signing be. It's all up to you on how much you want to learn.

Last but not least, remember things could always be worse. Just think of those less fortunate such as the Blind/Deaf persons in our world.  They've never seen or heard anything within this world. I hope this helps. Good luck and may GOD bless you.

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